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Friday, January 22, 2010

Arthur-I'm Affraid I'm Going To Starve On the HCG Diet!

Arthur Q: the only thing that is pulling me away is thinking it will starve me to death. unless it really does remove all hunger completely without trying to force yourself of starvation I want to do this, but nervous. if i do the shortest round, what will be the total number of of phase 1, 2 , 3, 4? i need to make an estimate how long i will have to prepare for this

I am also worried about preparing meals for more than a month that are difficult (500 cal) since i do not cook but rely on my wife to cook for me.

What if there is an important even where we are obliged what to eat? I just need to know too so i can prepare what month to start when there are not much events.I feel like i might end up cheating since you cannot resist those important gathering and all once in a while.

Colin A:The shortest round is 23 days with shots and 23 days of maintenance. However, to be completely honest. You do not appear to be emotionally ready for the diet protocol. When you are ready to get past all of this fear and worry about not having enough food to eat, vs, being completely ready to transform your body and get healthy... Then you will know you ready. I am not hear to convince you to do the diet protocol, I am here to support you in your own choice to get healthy. When you are really ready... I am here to assist you in any way I can.

God Bless,



  1. Good answer because if your too worried about food which you have been eating your whole life that you cant give up for a few weeks than you are not ready! My second round food didnt even matter durning the round and after the round.Its like gods gift

  2. What IU do you use, 2000, 5000, etc. Thank you for this site it has really helped


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Mike & Juliet TV show segment

Dr. Sam Walters, CBS 5 News "Better Arizona" Special HCG diet