How To Feel Good Naked...Post HCG Diet
I'm sure you've heard that it takes 21 days to either break a habit or create a new
habit. So what have you been doing for, you know, at least 26-day phase or the
43-day phase?
You've been measuring your portions.
You've been eating fruits and vegetables, and if you've been combining your
vegetables like we do here, then you're probably having six servings of
vegetables, six to nine servings of vegetables a day.
You're having your lean proteins. You're having your simple carbs, which is your
fruits, your fresh fruits, your apple, your strawberries, your grapefruits; your
orange if you're eating oranges on your protocol. And you basically have been
having a very balanced diet, but you've also been having very controlled portions.
And now, we do our portions a little bit differently when we do HCG Body for Life
They are very full and they're actually very filling, but we're not stuffed at the
end of the process. So the goal is to maintain those same portion controls as you
move into your normal eating pattern, as you move into Phase 3 and then Phase
4. And that's something that a lot of people don't realize that, you know, sometimes
we don't pay attention to our portions, and really, the success for keeping the
weight off for the rest of your life is just being present.
You have to measure your food. You have to prepare your food. You have to
take your time to figure out exactly what you're going to eat, how much you're
going to eat, and when is the next time you're going to eat. And guess what?
You're present.
You're paying attention to what you're putting into your body and how it's going
into your body and how much is going into your body. What happens when we're
How to Feel Good Naked in 26 Days off of a diet, when we're off of some sort of protocol, we usually are reaching and grabbing for whatever impulse that we have, not paying attention or counting the calories that we intake. What happens usually is that we take in more calories than our body can process in any one day. And so where is it going to go? It's going to be stored as fat.
So keep that in mind as we move into week 4. This is the very first week out of
your maintenance phase. If you've successfully completed your maintenance
phase, you can get on this scale and your weight is stabilized. It doesn't
drastically jump up or down depending on whatever meal you eat. So you're kind
of staying within two pounds and just your weight is now stable so it doesn't
fluctuate as much.
Start to introduce sugar or starch. For example, say that you have missed bread
what you want to do is eat your bread but you're going to have it in one meal,
you're going to have your bread and that's one day.
The next day, you're going to introduce a different starch or sugar and that would
be one of your meals but only have it once.
This keeps you conscious and present again, but also your body is getting used
to slowly implementing these sugars and carbs and starches back into your
It also lets you know which sugars or starches your body is sensitive to, because
as you move forward you're going to continue to weigh yourself on a daily basis.
I do it every day. It's just a part of my routine. I get up in the morning. I go to the bathroom.
I get on the scale to check my weight. And that lets me know how the
day before went.
So by doing that, you'll notice that if you eat a certain say baked potato or, you
know, a certain sugary cereal, you'll know if your body reacts to it, and that's
what's happened. You can actually write it down when you get an idea.
Well, guess what? I was sensitive to baked potatoes so I'm going to limit the
amount of baked potatoes I have throughout my week or throughout my month,
but at least you don't have to eliminate it completely or at least you have an idea
of how your body is reacting to it.
So for the entire week of that fourth week, you're going to introduce one new
starch or sugar into your diet a day, very simple. Now, you get to enjoy whatever
it is you've been missing and thought you'll never have again, but instead of
having it all the time, you're having it once throughout the day.
As you move into week 5, you're going to have two carbs together, but you're not
going to eat them at the same meal. So now, you get to enjoy two different carbs,
How to Feel Good Naked in 26 Days either your starch or your sugary carb, but now you're going to have them at different times, so not the same meal, but now you get to have two in a day.
And you do that same thing for the next week, introducing different starches and
different sugars into your diet and watching how your body reacts to it, okay? So
you do that for the entire next week.
What happens when you do things like that over a 7-day period, not only are you paying attention to what's you’re body is doing, not only are you present, but you're also realizing what foods your body is sensitive to, which ones work for you and which ones don't.
Then as you move into week 6, you're going to now combine your carbs in the
same meal. So now, you can actually have, oatmeal and your toast. You got two
basic starchy carbs in the same meal.
You’ve got to pay attention to your body. You're also introducing your body slowly to something new and you're going to see how it reacts. Once you've completed three weeks of doing this, you pretty much would have had every sugary carb or starchy carb that you normally would eat, eliminating whatever you think is just your Achilles' heel.
If there are certain foods, then say to yourself, "Look, you know what? Once in a
blue moon, I'm going to have this type of food because it's just not good for me."
What happens is that your mindset changes.
After you've been eating clean, your body has been detoxed from sugars and certain cravings, and it's your choice if you want to awaken the beast from within or you're going to let the sleeping dog lie.
If you know that you had a weakness, then guess what? Be intelligent to say,
"Look, I'm just going to bypass that and choose…" You know, choose another
poison if you will. I always say choose your poisons.
You can choose one that makes you sick or choose one that's deadly. And so I'll
choose the ones that will make me sick versus deadly, and that just gives you a
briefing if you know who you are, and you know how you are when it comes to
certain foods.
But after you've now gone through the process of reintroducing these foods back
into your system, you're going to make choices of some foods you're going to
skip for life or at least skip for quite some time. You want to also avoid
Your body has its own natural maximum calorie intake for maintaining your
weight. If you exceed that on a regular basis, you will gain weight. If you reduce
your calories on a regular basis, you will lose weight, and this is the way for you
to actually control where you want to be as far as your weight is concerned.
But that same premise has to be in place when you start introducing other foods
that you've not had for quite some time. You want to still make sure you're
staying within your daily calorie intake.
If you splurge on a certain sugary food, as long as you're staying within your
maximum calorie intake for that particular day and you're conscious if that's the
situation you made, then the very next day, you can correct that by eating
healthier, you're still going to maintain your weight.
So, it's being conscious and paying attention. I'm not saying you have to weigh
every single thing you eat and count every single calorie. It's almost impossible
really to count calories accurately, but the point is that most of us gain weight and our weight gets out of control, because we live unconsciously.
We open cabinets and pick up foods and open packages and eat them without
even paying attention. If you're going to have some chips, reach and take a
handful of chips, put it on a napkin, close the bag up, walk away, sit down, eat
those chips.
If you have the bag in front of you, you're going to unconsciously just eat the
entire bag. If you're going to have a slice of cake, then get a slice of cake and eat the cake seated someplace else. Just savor that moment that you enjoyed it and
ignore the impulse to go back and have another piece because you really don't
need it.
Colin F. Watson
HCg Body for Life
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