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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Sublingual (Oral) HCG Method

You will need one vial of 5000 International Units of HCG for each 15-day period. The HCG Brands that we recommend come packaged in a vial with a rubber tops or ampules for your HCG mixture.
In order to eliminate any confusion for mixing and dosing, please keep in mind that 1-milliliter equals one cc and one cc equals one milliliter.

Follow these steps:

You will need a mixing syringe, 5000 IUs of HCG, and the B12 vitamin and colloidal silver mixture.
  1. You will want to disregard the water than comes with your HCG. It is not necessary for this mixing, so go ahead and throw it away.
  2. Take the cap off of the HCG.
  3. Open the amber bottle containing the B12 vitamin and Colloidal Sliver.
  4. Open a 10ml-mixing syringe. Make sure the needle is tightly fastened to the syringe, and take the cap off.
  5. Pull 2 milliliters of the liquid solution into the mixing syringe.
  6. Add the 2 milliliters of liquid solution to the HCG. The HCG is freeze dried. As soon as the liquid hits the powder, it will automatically liquefy the powder. 
  7. Now put the cap back on the needle.
  8. Roll (do not shake) the HCG mixture for a few seconds to make sure that the HCG powder is fully liquefied.
  9. Take the cap off of the needle. Pull the plunger back to the 2-milliliter mark; insert the needle back into the HCG vial. Slowly push the 2 milliliters of air into the HCG vial. Now extract all of the HCG mixture back into the syringe and add it to the amber bottle. 
  10. Put the cap back on the needle. Twist the needle off of the syringe.
  11. Put the cap on your HCG mixture. 
This mixture will last you for 15 days. After 15 days you will mix another HCG mixture. Make sure that you refrigerate your HCG mixture to maintain its potency.


Dosing of your HCG mixture will occur once in the morning and once before bedtime.
Take your HCG mixture out of the refrigerator.

Roll the Mixture slowly between your hands for 15 seconds to refresh the mixture.
Remove the dosing dropper from the plastic bag. Now remove the cap and pull out the HCG mixture to the first line of the dosing dropper included in your HCG Mixing Kit (.50 milliliter). Put the cap back on and place your HCG mixture back into the refrigerator.

Place the dropper (which now contains the HCG mixture) underneath your tongue and empty the .50-milliliter mixture under your tongue. Hold it there for 5 minutes before swallowing.  Clean the dropper with tap water and place it back into its plastic bag.

Colin F. Watson

1 comment:

  1. Two questions.
    Step 5 - What is the "liquid solution"?
    How much and when do you add B12 to the amber vial with the HCG solution?



Please share your results, ask questions, and leave comments. Thank you, Colin

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