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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

How To Use Testosterone For Fat Loss...

Testosterone is commonly associated with male sexual health and body building, but studies indicate that it plays an important part in the metabolism of fat as well. Men and women who have a low testosterone level are usually predisposed to overweight. Testosterone also prevents weight gain in support of the HGH action too, which is an extra role it plays at the cellular level.

The best way to use testosterone for fat loss is to first determine whether your overweight is in any way related to an imbalance of hormones. And only a specialist can pass a diagnosis on the basis of the tests. If indeed the testosterone level is below the normal rate, your health care provider will advise for some course of action. You should either follow treatment or trigger the stimulation of the natural body secretion through diet and natural supplements.

Testosterone for fat loss could be relevant regardless of gender. Did you know, for instance, that you cannot secret enough testosterone when you don't rest well at night? Make sure to sleep well if you want your adrenal glands, testes or ovaries to secret enough hormone to help you with fat loss. A zinc deficiency could also be a problem since it lowers the testosterone level too; yet, this issue gets easily solved with some zinc supplementation.

The body shape bears the actual impact of testosterone for fat loss. The face features are better defined, the waist narrows and the shoulders broaden. Not everybody who suffers from overweight has a testosterone imbalance. The fluctuations of other hormones in the body could translate into weight gain. Take things seriously and do not treat symptoms by the ear.

One further issue that you need to be aware of here is that testosterone for fat loss could determine a muscle increase too. This explains the reaction of the system to heavy gym training and body building work-outs. The development is progressive and will not be noticeable unless you train hard. Keep the process under control by medical checks and a balanced, holistic approach to weight loss. Besides the hormonal balance, try to achieve fitness by natural means like diet and regular but moderate physical activity.

Resource box: Colin F. Watson 424-245-6049

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