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Thursday, June 24, 2010

I am always skeptical about stuff like this

Ok this  is real email I got today, and it was pretty intense. I had to read it a couple of times, and remarkably I was not offended or angered in the least. I kinda thought to myself hmmmm, we all have some skepticism about people online, or the pharmacy's, even the HCG weight loss protocol itself, or  as a whole. So I decided to post the email, and my answers to Mark's intense questions, just in-case someone else is wondering the same thing. I am deleting marks last name to keep his anonymity.

Hi, Colin,

My name is Mark S.  I am a licensed pharmacist.  My girlfriend and I are starting the HCG diet with a licensed Naturopath.  I am always skeptical about stuff like this, so this is why i am writing to you.  My first question to you is is one able to buy hcg from a pharmacy escrow company when hcg is a prescription drug that needs to be prescribed by a licensed Dr.?  I am interested from buying from your sources, however, I feel it to be a bit questionable.  Sorry, for my skepticism, but that's who I am now after being burned many times in the past.  Secondly, you say you don't make any money spreading this news, but obviously you are making money by promoting the hcg products.  I am questioning how legal and ethical it is.  I do agree that this diet needs to be marketed.  It is an awesome second chance for us.  But again, how legal is buying hcg off the internet?  Who provides the prescription for it?  Who are the doctors that are monitoring us as patients?  To my knowledge, again, this needs to be done at a clinic.  You said in your video that we may ask what your job is.  So, what do you do for a living?  Is this multi-level marketing business for you?  
I am truly impressed with your results and mean no malice with my questions.  I'm just another skeptic that has been burned in the past. 
Thanks for your time.
Mark S.

Helena, MT
Wow this is a lot, so I will need to go through it question by question. I completely understand your skepticism and your questions,therefore I will try and be a thorough as I can.
1. How is one able to buy hcg from a pharmacy escrow company? The pharmacy escrow company is based in Canada, which does not require a prescription for pharmaceuticals. They do however require you to fill out a medical history from online, and list all medications you are taking. And offer the best price for prescription drugs that I could find and I have never had one of my reader tell me they have had a problem with the online pharmacy escrow companies as well as myself, my family and friends.
 Not ONE!

2. But obviously you are making money by promoting the hcg products?  Since I am not phamasist like yourself, I can not sell HCG. However some online pharmacy's offer an affiliate program which pays 2.5% to 5% and sometimes as high as 10% commissions, which can be between $2.5 to $7 per sale.. This is hardly enough money to make a living off of. The reason why I state that I do not make any money off of the sales of HCG, is because I spend more on providing the free content and in time value coaching hcg dieters, that the $200 dollar checks I receive in mail pay for my web hosting fees, email servers etc....  This is not my primary motivation. If you only new how much time I spend answering question via email and phone and my radio show and blogs. One could only surmise this must be a labor of love, which it most definitely is!  When it comes the sharing this information, money in not my primary motivator here. I really think my readers and subscribers of my blogs are ok with me making $200 or so per month.

3. Who provides the prescription for it?  Who are the doctors that are monitoring us as patients? The process is set up for people who want to do the diet from home. Unfortunately, almost every hcg diet clinic charges anywhere form $750 to $2000 or more to administer the hcg program. The whole purpose of my website is to make this protocol available to anyone who want to lose weight, not just the privileged. My wife and I paid a clinic $1500 a piece  for a 20 minute office visit... Oh and the did weight us. lol to do this protocol the first time, and I never received one phone call from the clinic or follow up. Therefore not sure what the Dr. going to monitor. Because most of them don't. They take the money give you your hcg and send you on your way. NOT ALL...Just most of the one myself and my subscribers have gone to.

4. You said in your video that we may ask what your job is.  So, what do you do for a living? Lastly, I owned a mortgage and real estate company and trademark which I sold last year, that I receive a good stream of income from. I have other online business that bring in other streams of income, non of which are MLM.  My wife and I authored a new book being launched next month about our experience with the HCG diet and how to make it easier for others to succeed with this protocol this is our primary focus.  "If you help enough people get what they want, you will in turn get what you want" Zig Ziggler I believe the book will be do well, because, we have already received a ton of emails from our newsletter subscribers, wanting the book, and sharing their excitment about it with us.  This will be the first true source of revenue in our 2 1/2 year journey with the hcg diet protocol, and helping others succeed. 

I believe in paying it forward and sharing the gifts and blessing we are given in life. This weight loss protocol gave me back personally, my life  my health, and a physique I never thought I would see again. So I ask you this Mark, if you found the cure for Cancer, would you keep it to yourself, or would you tell the world? This is a cure for obesity, and I am making it my mission to tell the world! ;-)
I truly apprciate you email, you honesty and you candor!

I hope I have answered your questions, and have provided you with enough information in order for you to make an informed decision.

Thank you, good luck, and God bless,

How To Feel Good Naked In 26 Days!


  1. Hey Colin... I must say you did a great job answering those questions. I am done with my 2nd Round on the HcG Diet, well Phase 2 anyway and now on Phase 3. I have lost a total of 32pounds and I am just amazed! I understand where you are coming from. I have been sharing my experience with everyone. They see the results I have had and are amazed as well, so I send them all to your website to get them all started. I have a few friends who are now on the diet and my phone blows up all day long with questions about the diet. I answer the questions I can and if I can't I send them to you! I am so grateful for all your answers and support... Just like you,I am paying it forward. Everyone who is depressed and over weight deserve to be just as happy and healthy as I am right now. I can not wait to read your book. I would love to help in anyway that I can.

    Best Regards,

  2. Hi Dori you rock! I love hearing your results, and that you are paying it forward, great job! And thank you for confirming what I told people on my very first radio show.

    You will not need to tell people what you are doing, they will ask you in just a couple of weeks of being on the protocol. Once the do, help them, share the secret to beating the obesity problem, and living a long, healthy and sexy lifestyle. Thanks again, God bless,



Please share your results, ask questions, and leave comments. Thank you, Colin

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Mike & Juliet TV show segment

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