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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Staying Together Through Thick and Thin...

Where do you usually hear these lines, "Through Thick and Thin"? Where? As for myself, I always hear this during weddings in the church, beach, garden, and mountain. And usually those who are in love say these lines. It is good to hear, even if you listen to it a million times. What does through thick ad thin means? It is a vow that ties you to continue loving each other no matter what will happen. It is the connection that you will have no matter what. It is maintaining the feelings since you first say I love you.

And also these lines are also famous "Till Death Do Us Apart". If you hear this, it may sound scary because it talks about death. How can you prolong the relationship? It is by staying the same. Having time for each other even if you are tired; create more intimacy between you and your partner; take care of each other, somewhat like you were you taking care of a new born baby. Very delicate!

Having a partner for life takes commitment; you need to give your all; and by that, you need to stay fit and healthy. You do not want your partner to suffer by taking care of you; you need to be responsible for your own self when it comes to health.

You should support each other and even be willing to tell the other they have put on a few unhealthy pounds. You can direct them to a product like HCG or send them to check out
Take vitamins, as doctors said "Prevention is better that cure". That is so true; prevent bad diseases by having an exercise everyday, take multivitamins, and if possible to be cheaper try herbal medicines. Live healthy so that your promise to stay thick and thin will never encounter any problem. And the promise till death do us part will happen in the time when your hair is gray, when aging of your face and skin is observable, and when you are having an arthritis a sign of aging.

It so pleasant to hear that you will be growing old with your partner with your grand sons and daughters playing in your courtyard, Life is just a matter of choice; you just have to choose to be healthy and wise, and begin you HCG body for life transformation.

God Bless,

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