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Colin Before and After The HCG Diet Protocol!

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Maybe I'm Not Doing The Diet HCg Diet Protocol Right...

Maybe I'm Not Doing The Diet HCg Diet Protocol Right...

Akin reply to I have not lost any weight in two months to the HCg diet. There is always a reason for not losing weight on this diet protocol, and it usually means... You are deviating from the diet protocol diet menu.

Q: Hello Colin, so here is my typical day:
For breakfast I drink a protein shake with fruit.Then my lunch is open
like I might have a sub from subway or grilled salmon,or a wrap.I only
eat a solid food once a day.Then I drink my water and I also have a
juicer so I do my veggies in that and drink that.I'm starting to go to
the gym everyday and do the P90X at home at night.I'm not consistent
with that thou.I'm not like round fat I'm 6'1 230 but I do carry the
weight around my stomach,some what like the size you were.I'm just not
loosing the weight.When I first received the oral I did the loading of
food for the first 3 days then went to my protein shakes and veggie
drink.Maybe I'm not doing the diet protocol right,I'm just lost right

A: Well well Akim, The good news is, the diet works... The other good news is, that you're not doing the hCG diet protocol at all. I am not sure where you got your diet menu from, but that ain't it brother. At first, I thought you may be following the vegetarian version of the hCG diet, until I read you also eating at Subway. So with that said, if you want to drop the weight fast, then start following the complete diet protocol, without deviation. You can get a free copy of Dr. Simeons Pounds and Inches manuscript when you subscribe to my blog at As soon as you verify your subscription in your email box, you will be sent a welcome email with the hCG manuscript attached in pdf format. I excited for you, because you will soon be dropping pounds and inches like a mad man. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to help figure out what was going wrong. I look forward to your feedback and to see how the oral hCG works for you now. Please keep me posted!

Thank you,

Colin F. Watson
Need Help,Call me at 424-245-6049
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