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Colin Before and After The HCG Diet Protocol!

Cmoney6969's COLIN F WATSON BEFORE AND AFTER album on Photobucket

Friday, March 5, 2010

HCG Diet Protocol Basics Phase 2... the final days!
HCG Diet Phase 2 nearing the final days!
Stick to the original Dr. Simeons HCG Diet Phase, and Menu! GET IT HERE:
Stay away form oranges, and once and a while you can use one whole egg and 3 egg whites in replacement for the 100 grams of protein. Get excited t move on to phase 3, the maintenance phase, which I call the muscle building phase. BUY HCG Here at: http://HCGDIETFATLOSS.COM


  1. Colin,

    I am so blown away of the fact that you are suggesting NO ORANGES? Would you be a peach and explain why, as I know on the Dr Simeon diet protocol it is listed as an approved fruit. Trust me, I want to lose most weight possible.

    Thank for your expertise advise.

  2. After completing the hcg diet protocol a total of three time in 2 years, in both the first and second times I did not eat oranges, because they were not on the Keven Truedeau's version of the diet which is the version I followed. When I did the protocol for the third time which was more for experimental purposes, I followed say that someone mentioned oranges were allowed.

    I began eating oranges about 4 days into the diet, and hit a plateau immediately after eating oranges for two days.

    One I stopped eating the oranges, within 48 hours, I started losing weight again. I came to the conclusion that oranges didn't work for me. If you review the attached Simeon's diet protocol, I have not found where oranges were allowed. Therefore from personal experience, and from the attached version of the diet, I say no to oranges.

    Thank you for your comment.


  3. Hello,

    Nice video! HCG diet protocol is the only thing you will need to lose those extra pounds. Thank you...

    HCG Diet Foods


Please share your results, ask questions, and leave comments. Thank you, Colin

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Mike & Juliet TV show segment

Dr. Sam Walters, CBS 5 News "Better Arizona" Special HCG diet