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Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Check Into A HCg Diet Program And It Costs Over $1000 Dollars And It's By Phone

I Check Into A HCg Diet Program And It Costs Over $1000 Dollars And It's By Phone. Q & A
Lnda says:
Q: "Their is so much information and i am a little nervous about trying to tackle this challenge. I am not that confident in if I am really understanding everything I must do and not do. Should I detox first and how to detox? I am getting confused. I check into a program and it is over 1000 dollars and it's by phone and emails. One program says 800 to 1200 calories is ok. Are their recipes for the types of food allowed. I really need help getting started. As i don't really have the support of my family. Thanks for responding to my questions. I have so many still".

A: Hello Linda, thank you for your email You questions are typical of many people looking to start and complete this diet protocol successfully. Dr. and weight loss clinics have caught on that the use of the HCG program is big money, and are altering the diet to prolong the weight loss reduction process in order to siphon more money from the consumer. Keven Trudeau, made several modern day changes to prepare for the diet in order to turn back the clock and try and level the playing field when it comes to dealing with the many chemicals and preservative we now ingest that we didn't thirty and forty years ago when Dr. Simeons first introduced the original HCG diet... Pounds and Inches.

With this said, though doing the detox phase would be beneficial, it is not necessary to get the amazing benefits and results form this weight loss protocol. If you haven't already, you can get a copy of the original Simeons protocol from subscribing to my blog at, you will also be directed to links which will give you several option to purchase HCG for under $20, for a 23 day supply. You will need to get other HCG supply which in total depending on how much weight you need to lose can be less than $100.00, which is a far cry from the $1000 dollars being charged b these so-called weight loss clinics. The diet is very simple to follow, its pretty much you can eat this... anything not on the list is prohibited.

Though this diet is not y any means, a walk in the park, the daily results of losing 1 to 3 pounds per day without even really needing to exercise, will keep you excited, and motivated. There is no reason for you to be intimidated by this weight loss protocol, you will get amazing results GUARANTEED, if you simply follow the instructions, and stick to the menu without deviation!!! I hope this encourages you to take the HCG 30 challenge and begin as soon as possible to "Reveal Your True Body Within" You can always call me if you need more details, however, please download the FREE HCG Diet Manuscript and read it...Good luck and God bless,

Colin F. Watson


  1. Hey Colin,

    Check this out: I'm preparing to do the protocol. I've ordered my Hcg (BTW - thanks for the link to the order site), I have my sublingual mixing kit courtesy of Mamaclok, I've been buying the necessary items, I've been studying the protocal - the whole 9. I even have a friend who started the protocol 2 weeks ago at my suggestion. She's doing great. I have another friend who wants to start at the same time I do. So, I'm doing the dang thang ova here.

    Here's the delimma. With you being a Black man, you may have encountered this issue. The protocol states no lotions or oils on the skin because it may interfer with weight loss. As a Black woman and as with many people of African decent, I have very dry skin. I have to use moisturizers. If I don't, especially on my feet and hands, I will have very ashen skin - I mean dry and white like I've been playing in flour! All jokes aside. Because there is very little, if any oil in the food eaten while on the protocal, I'm afraid my skin will be extremely dry. Do you have any insight on this issue and if you do, what product(s) have you found to use on your skin while on the protocol?

    I'm sure others have this concern as well. Any information you relay will be appreciated.

    Thank you so much for your Vlogs and blogs. Your coaching is very, very helpful.

    Looking forward to your response.

    Houston TX

  2. Hello Donna, this is a very common question from many of African descent. The answer is use extra virgin coconut oil as you lotion ans moisturizer. It works great, and it will not interfere with the HCG diet protocol. Thank you for your question.

    Good Luck,



Please share your results, ask questions, and leave comments. Thank you, Colin

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